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Fleetwood High School

School Uniform


The school operates a no jewellery policy which includes ear studs which must not be worn. A wrist watch may be worn.

Piercings of any kind, extreme hairstyles/colours and excessive make-up are not acceptable which includes false eyelashes and painted or acrylic nails.

Items of uniform marked * may be purchased from our uniform providers:  S&P Separates, Fleetwood or Bispham Clothing

All items of clothing are compulsory unless marked as optional.

Girls Uniform

A navy blue blazer with the school badge on the breast pocket*
FHS pleated patterned skirt with plain blue tie or navy blue trousers with FHS patterned tie*
A white shirt with a suitable collar for a tie.
Black knee high socks or black opaque tights
Black shoes – no training shoes or pumps are allowed
A navy blue V neck jumper (optional)


Boys Uniform

A navy blue blazer with the school badge on the breast pocket*
Navy blue trousers*
FHS patterned tie*
A white shirt with a suitable collar for a tie.
Black socks
Black shoes – no training shoes or pumps are allowed
PE Kit List


Girls PE Kit

Navy football socks
Navy and Sky Blue skorts*
Navy and Sky Blue sports shirt – short sleeved and with collar
Blue Hoody* (optional)
Black leggings (can also be worn for Dance)
Black pumps or dance shoes for Dance (optional)
Blue or black tracksuit bottoms (optional)


Boys PE Kit

Football boots
Navy football socks
Navy and Sky Blue football shorts*
Navy and Sky Blue Rugby Shirt*
Navy and Sky Blue Sports Shirt*
Black pumps or dance shoes for Dance (optional)
Blue Hoody* (optional)
Blue or black tracksuit bottoms (optional)


Learning Equipment

Bag – big enough to carry books to and from home for homework and equipment needed for learning eg pencil case (see below); PE/Dance kit.
Pencil Case – this MUST contain at least two black ink pens/biros; a pencil; an eraser; a ruler.

Coloured pencils; protractor; calculator.


 Make sure you get the correct foot wear for school!