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Fleetwood High School

Our Governors

Fleetwood High School Governing Body

Chair of Governors:

Jonathan Hewitt, Foundation Governor

Chair of Standards and Effectiveness Committee: Mrs Claire Murphy, Co-opted Governor

Chair of Resources Committee: Stephen Newsham, Co-opted Governor

Chair of Student Welfare & Well-Being Committee: Julia Efstathiou, LEA Governor

Welcome to our Governors’ Section

Fleetwood High School is a Foundation School with a Trust. The Governing Body comprises of 20 Governors (2 Parent Governors; 1 Local Authority Governor; 1 Staff Governor; 1 Headteacher; 4 Co-opted Governors; 11 Foundation Governors, of whom 5 shall, at the time of their appointment, be parent governors). The Governing Body has the following core strategic functions:

Establishing the strategic direction, by:

  • Setting the vision, values, and objectives for the school;

  • Agreeing the school improvement strategy with priorities and targets;

  • Meeting statutory duties. 

Ensuring accountability, by:

  • Appointing the Headteacher;

  • Monitoring progress towards targets;

  • Performance managing the Headteacher;

  • Engaging with stakeholders;

  • Contributing to school self-evaluation.

Ensuring financial probity, by:

  • Setting the budget;

  • Monitoring spending against the budget;

  • Ensuring value for money is obtained;

  • Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed.


The Full Governing Body meets once a term, with the other committees meeting termly apart from the Standards and Effectiveness Committee which meets every half term. The functions of these committees are:

Standards and Effectiveness Committee

Chair of the Committee: Mrs Claire Murphy, Co-opted Governor

The main function of the committee is to monitor and evaluate the standards and achievement of the school and the quality of education provided. In all its business, the committee will take account of the five key outcomes of the Every Child Matters.

Resources Committee

Chair of the Committee: Stephen Newsham, Co-opted Governor

The function of the committee is to provide guidance and assistance to the headteacher and the governing body on all financial issues; all issues relating to health and safety; overview of the premises, both during the school day and external lettings.

Student Welfare and Well-Being Committee

Chair of the Committee: Julia Efstathiou, LEA Governor

The function of the committee is to provide guidance and monitor all issues related to student welfare including pastoral, exclusions, attendance, safeguarding and Looked After Children.

Governing Body Full Document