Careers Lead: Mr A Abbass
Careers Governor Link: Mr S Newsham
Careers & Post 16 Opportunities
Information, Advice and Guidance
All young people need a planned programme of activities to help them choose 14-19 pathways that are right for them and to be able to manage their careers and sustain employability throughout their lives. We have a statutory duty to provide careers education in Years 7-11 and to give students access to careers information and impartial guidance. Fleetwood High School endeavours to follow the Gatsby Benchmarks on effective careers delivery in England.
The careers programme at Fleetwood High School is designed to meet the needs of students and raise awareness of their abilities and the extent of options available. It engages students and enables them to make informed, realistic choices about their future. It bridges the gap between school, further and higher education and the world of work and is differentiated and personalised to ensure progression through activities that are appropriate to students’ stages of career learning, planning and development.
Students are entitled to Careers which meets professional standards of practice and which is person-centred, impartial and confidential. The programme will raise aspirations, challenge stereotyping and promote equality and diversity. Fleetwood High School endeavour to facilitate the development of well-rounded, fully functioning, employable members of society, with guidance ‘for work’, ‘through work’ and ‘about work’. Meaningful opportunities are provided as there is close liaison work with representatives from The Careers & Enterprise Company/Inspira.
Labour Market Information is used to inform future curriculum plans.
- Careers Education Information and Guidance: coordinated by Andrew Abbass (Deputy Head Teacher) and Jennifer Carr (Careers, Timetable and Curriculum Officer). This area is supported by a link Governor.
- Work experience is planned and coordinated by Deputy Head Teacher and Careers, Timetable and Curriculum Officer.
- All staff will contribute to Careers through their roles as Form Tutors within the Year Team system and subject teachers.
- Specialist sessions are delivered during Citizenship.
- The Careers programme is planned, monitored and evaluated by the careers co-ordinator in consultation with The Careers & Enterprise Company and Career-Atlas.
- Careers information is available in the Library Careers Room, Careers & Post 16 Noticeboard and through Form Tutors.
Fleetwood High School offers the following Key Stage 4 Pathways, towards Post 16:
- Traditional GCSE (Level 2);
- Specific BTEC and other Vocational Lines (Level 1/Level 2);
- Alternative Provision and Work Related ‘Student Transition to Employment’ (Level 1/Level 2).
Decisions as suitability to each pathway follows well informed decision making guidance, inclusive of Options and Career Fairs. Initial Testing employed to confirm suitability and need.
We embed a variety of approaches to Careers within the curriculum, working closely with external agencies, especially The Careers & Enterprise Company, to enhance student experience through a number of initiatives:
- Systematic individual careers guidance interviews for Year 8 to Year 11, through Career-Atlas – an Independent Careers Service;
- Group sessions with local Post 16 College and local Training Providers, as part of the Citizenship programme;*
- Discussions with speakers representing specific occupational sectors;
- Period of work experience and voluntary work placements;
- Career events where pupils gain access to a wide range of information and can discuss areas of interest with people who can give them expert advice;
- Mock interviews and ‘Art of Employability’ sessions;
- Enterprise events, promoting awareness of depth and breadth of career paths and the impact and scope of business decision making within organisations;
- Ready access to good quality information and resources, including ‘Kudos’ through Career-Atlas;
- Information and Communication Technology;
- Effective links with outside agencies;
- Staff support and assistance.
- Subject specific Careers built into Faculty Schemes of Work, regarding further education opportunities and professional career routes.
* Careers in Citizenship:
- Year 7 – Student awareness of their own skills and future choices; Education to Work Pathways;
- Year 8 – Financial Capability/ Consequence of Career decision making;
- Year 9 – Knowledge of careers and career trajectories; Options guidance;
Key Stage 4 – Awareness of how to engage and reach career milestones, including exemplar CV’s, Letters of Application and Interview Technique.
- Year 10 – Work Experience; College Taster Days; Financial Capability
- Year 11 – Careers Events; Mock Interviews Prep; CV Prep/Application workshops
Partnership Agreement
An annual Partnership Agreement is negotiated between the school and Career-Atlas which identifies the contributions to the programme that each will make. Other links are being developed, e.g. with local 14-19 partners. The Partnership Agreement with Career-Atlas and the programme is reviewed annually by the Careers Co-ordinator and the Personal Adviser using the quality standards for Careers to identify areas for improvement. An annual report is submitted to the Senior Leadership Team.
Resources And Development
Funding is allocated in the annual budget planning round in the context of whole school priorities and particular needs in the Careers area. The Careers Co-ordinator is responsible for the effective deployment of resources. Sources of external funding are actively sought. Staff training needs are identified as part of the Partnership Agreement process with The Careers & Enterprise Company and in conjunction with the school inset co-ordinator. The school will endeavour to meet training needs within a reasonable period of time. Thriving Further/ Higher Educational experience, commencing in Year 7, encourages all students to participate in higher education, with optional taster residential courses during the holidays, or day visits, to a variety of university sites.
Our School’s Careers Adviser is Hayley Arthur. She is Level 6 educated in Careers Guidance and has 10 years’ experience, specifically in Careers but over 20 years’ experience working with young people and providing Information, Advice and Guidance. Her company is called Career Atlas and works with schools in the area specialising in age 11-25 years to explore their career aspirations and to make informed decisions about subject choices, further and higher education, apprenticeships and future employment. All Year 11 students will be invited to attend a Careers Interview with Career Atlas. Company email:
Summary of Careers Provision.pdf
Blackpool Sixth
Apply for Blackpool Sixth here
Application Support Request Form
Blackpool & the Fylde College
apprenticeship b fc for business job fair a5 1 .pdf
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Blackpool & the Fylde College - Apprenticeships Page
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Documents in folders containing the word 'letter' or 'minute' are listed in the order they were uploaded, most recent upload at the top. Otherwise, documents are listed alphabetically.
- apprenticeship B FC for Business Job Fair A5 1
- B FC Post-16 Assembly
- Leadership In Royal Marine Commandos
- Leadership In The British Army
- Leadership In The Fire Service
- Leadership In The Paramedics
- Leadership In The RAF
- Open day flyer and info for schools Jan 2023
- T-Levels - Building Services Engineerings
- T-Levels - Onsite Construction
- Twilight Tasters QR codes
Offers Vocational Courses, T-Levels and Apprenticeship education
Offers Videos, Course Support, Work & Apprenticeship Advice.
Course enquiries: 01253 504343 or
m1112 a5 leafet open day dates.pdf
Victrex ApprenticeshipsBBC Apprenticeships
Blackpool & the Fylde College - Apprenticeships Page HSBC Apprenticeships
Training 2000 Apprenticeship Vacancies
Find An Apprenticeship - Latest Opportunities
Myerscough College
myerscough college advice morning poster october and november 2024 2 .pdf
Future Employment Opportunities
Graduates and Career Changers.pdf
C.V. & Interview Skills
New online careers platform launched to support year 10 and 11 pupils;
For information on the Blackpool Careers Journey, visit:
Labour Market Information
Careerometer (Labour Market Information)Lancashire Labour Market Information
Future U
Provider Access
Policy Statement on Provider Access.pdf
Virtual Careers