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Fleetwood High School

Headteacher's Welcome Headteacher's Welcome

Headteacher's Welcome


As a Headteacher and a parent myself I know that choosing a secondary school for your child is an important, and often difficult, decision. The aim of this Prospectus is to provide you with as much information as possible about our school. Fleetwood High School has been on an exciting journey in in recent years and I am exceptionally proud of our achievements since I took up post in 2012. Read More

Through the eyes of others

  • Leaders are focusing on developing an ambitious curriculum. This work began before the pandemic and has continued throughout.Ofsted, 2021
  • Leaders demonstrate an uncompromising commitment to improving pupils’ life chances through the power of education.Ofsted 2019
  • The school’s curriculum is broad and balanced. Leaders ensure that pupils experience a range of opportunities that enrich their understanding of different cultures.Ofsted, 2019